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Telestar Marketing – a Revolution in B2B Telemarketing

Telestar Marketing – a Revolution in B2B Telemarketing

17 November 2020 Uncategorized

Telestar Marketing spearheaded a revolution in B2B telemarketing. We have the best people in the field on our team, and our ongoing qualified telemarketing training ensures that we attain the best results for our clients every time.

At Telestar Marketing, we know that the right call from a credible, well informed individual, placed to a carefully selected database of contacts, will nurture outcomes that can transform a company’s performance. We specialise in intelligent outbound B2B telemarketing with an emphasis on:
– lead generation
– appointment setting
– market research
– database services
– event population or follow-up
– training and consultancy

The main element that binds our services together is the principle of intelligent communication – our expert human touch. Telestar Marketing has become established as the only telemarketing Australian agency recognised as Centre of Excellence in outbound B2B telemarketing and ONLY that.

We believe telemarketing activity needs to be both systematic and long-term to attain the best results, and done well, B2B telemarketing can influence buying behaviour more successfully than any other medium. Why? Because it is based on one-to-one human contact, which creates real dialogue to match the client with the customer in a seamless and engaging way.